The Wedding Of
Mala & Danang
13.01.2024 | Sidoarjo
M | D
Bride & Groom
Khusna Amalah, M.M
The Daughter of
Mr. Khusnul Khitam
and Mrs. Asmirah (Almh) /
Yulli Milli Timbuleng
Danang Pristiono, S.T
Mr. Rachmad Sunu Pristiono
and Mrs. Ary Widiastuti
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
By asking for the grace of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala and with all humility, please allow us to invite you to attend our wedding which will be held on:

Saturday, 13 January 2024
08:00 – 10:00
Masjid Ar- Ridho
Jl. Raya Sedati Gede No.92, Sedati, Sidoarjo

Saturday, 13 January 2024
18:00 – 21:00
Gedung Balai Prajurit RM Moedjono Poerbonegoro Puspenerbal Juanda
Jl. Raya Bandara Juanda No.11 Juanda, Sedati, Sidoarjo
Help us prepare a warm dinner for all of you by sending confirmation of attendance via the following form
Wedding Gift
For Family and Friends
who wants to send a gift,
please send it via:
Countdown Timer
Day and night changed so quickly, between thrilling moments that we had never experienced before. We look forward to the presence of family and friends, to witness our sacred vows on this happy day.
Love Story
2013 – Our first encounter
To become with him is nothing but the greatest unexpected plan of my life.
I was befriending him from 2013 when I was a regular highschool student, when my destiny was so kind for making him to become my classmate. I remember our first interaction was nothing but a regular matter, as I was a vice president while he was also our treasurer. Yes, our relationship went like a slow-burn movie that started with basic engagement between two protagonists and we are now heading to the unexpected page of life.
29 September 2013 – Confession
Time flew so fast and romantic feelings started to embrace from the deepest root of our heart, we acknowledged how days became so joyous when we were together… and when we saw mutual sparks between our eyes, at that precious time, 29 September 2023, he came out with his own love confession.
2015 – Heartbreak
Our first stage of relationship was only for two years, there was an unexplainable reason as the root cause.. which, I can’t even write down until now. I remember when he was accepted as a freshman in UNAIR while I was in ITS. We’ve been separated, focusing on our own things and ourselves. We crossed different paths at that time in terms of romantic relationship, but we managed to stay in touch as friends… I also engaged in several romantic relationships with others, but Lord knows where I’m heading into.
Time flew.. We never knew if it was because of adulthood or just that the world changed gradually, our interaction was getting better than ever–even better than the time when we were dating. His existence was being something I couldn’t ever reject.
27 December 2022
But reality was never as good as cinematic drama, sometimes we were involved with little confrontations. And at that time, when we were both conflicted, Danang asked to meet me and he asked me a cliche question which I can remember as “what do you think about us?”.. It was so out of the blue, I couldn’t project any answer other than to be honest by saying “we are complicated and far from crystal clear of a relationship, we both call each other with endearing pet names.. but we can’t even tell what we are to others.” .. And by then, he asked me to get back with him, and devoted my love back to him while he promised me that he would do the same. We were heading back to each other as if there were no other direction to go
2023 – Special Moment
It still gives butterflies to my stomach whenever I remember what happened on 19 August 2023, when he came to my house with his brightest smile and tall figure.. And behind him, it was his family.
Life is full of surprises even if it seems so short. I thought of our first mere interaction, but on 10 September 2023, we were engaged.
To be engaged with him means our things could be more complicated, yet truly well-developed. Our relationship is not only about us anymore, it’s between family. That was why my family and I also came to his home as one kind of stage to build our relationship stronger, even harder than the unbreakable engagement ring between our fingers.
Our greatest moment will be started exactly at the same time as our 10th anniversary. Even though it wasn’t totally untouchable by the storm in the middle, I never feel happier by the fact that I’ll spend my entire life with him, build a small yet warmest home with him… may Allah SWT bless our marriage with prosperity and happiness.
Our Gallery

To keep this wedding event safe from the risk of Covid-19 transmission, please pay attention to the following recommendations before you attend the location:
Life Moment
Help us capture happy moments at our weddings by tagging your posts with the following hashtag:
Best Wishes
Mala & Danang

Wedding Event Health Protocol
Using a Mask
All event participants including family, organizing committee and invited guests are required to wear masks. For this reason, we ask invited guests to bring and wear their own masks before entering the room.
Wash Hands & Hand Sanitizer
All event participants are expected to always wash their hands and always use hand sanitizer
Social Distance
All event participants are always expected to keep their distance
The Wedding Of
Mala & Danang
Sorry if there is a mistake in writing the name/title

Please transfer the prize via
account or wallet number
following digital:
Khusna Amalah
Previously, we said
Thank you for your attention and token of your love for us
Please send gifts to the following address:
Khusna Amalah
JL KH Mukhlas Tengah RT 8 RW 2 Kalanganyar Sedati Sidoarjo
selamat asyik asyik
لَكُماَ وَبَارَكَ عَلَيْكُماَ وَجَمَعَ بَيْنَكُمَا فِي خَيْرٍ Semoga selalu dilancarkan sampai harinya Danang&Mala!!!!
Alhamdulillah…Congratulations on your wedding, Sis Mala, I hope you have a sakinah family, mawaddah wa rohmah
Barokallah semoga lacar, berkah langgeng salamanya
Happy wedding dik Danang, semoga sakinah mawadah wa Rohmah… Till Jannah… Amin ya robbal ‘alamin 🤲🤲🤲🎉🎉🎉